Lyn Cartwright leads a workshop on Miniature Arrangements

Lyn Cartwright, a Sogetsu teacher from Christchurch lead a very interesting workshop on miniature ikebana from Book 5, lesson 15. Our members learnt how to make several very small arrangements and display them as a group. Lyn’s instructions were: “First, everyone does their work and then we will be redoing arrangements with a twist. Please read the lesson carefully as I'll be asking why they have chosen these materials at end of the first session. Also look carefully at what you are using to display your arrangement on. Could everyone bring a bit of extra material along with an open mind for a fun afternoon.”

Lyn made us all think hard about why we had chosen the vases and materials. She then demonstrated how she uses small vases to show the very particular parts of flowers and greenery. We all concentrated very hard and learnt a lot. Thank you, Lyn.

Lyn arranging a variety of material in small glasses

Lyn arranging a variety of material in small glasses

Elizabeth leads weekly lessons for our Sogetsu teachers

Elizabeth McMillan is our most experienced teacher. She holds weekly lessons for teachers. They are currently working on Book 5.

A visit to a local Japanese Garden

This month, instead of our usual workshop we visited a private Japanese style garden in Karori. We were lead around the back of Carl’s house where we were invited to sit under and around the outside of a red and black torii pergola. Hanging from it were Japanese lanterns and beneath them was a large red umbrella. Carl explained how he and his wife had designed and built their Japanese-like backyard and how they tend to the beautiful Zen garden with bonsai trees and ornaments. Carl is a taiko drummer and he explained and showed us how the drums are played.

Kay, Carl’s mother showed us her special wooden boxes - one for sewing kimono and the other for calligraphy. We were then invited inside for afternoon tea and to view kimono and Japanese books. It was a most interesting and enjoyable afternoon.