Membership & Fees
Our monthly meetings are held at the Khandallah Presbyterian Church, 33 Ganges Road on the second Sunday in most months (2-4 pm). There is parking in the Church carpark as well as on the street. Please see What to bring to a workshop for more information about the materials that you’ll need to bring.
Workshops are for Sogetsu Association members only.
If you are interested in learning Ikebana, it may be possible to attend a workshop to watch the demonstration and to meet the teachers.
Please contact either:
Helen Wareham
Ph 021 201 8601
Masako Crawford
Membership of Sogetsu Teachers’ Association (STA) is $25 per year (or $5 per year for teachers paying STA membership to Tokyo HQ)
STA members receive notices about STA events and may borrow Sogetsu books and magazines from the library at Khandallah Town Hall.
Members pay $10* to attend each monthly workshop which is used to pay the rent of the hall and rent of the library storage.
*Charges for special workshops with visiting teachers may vary depending on the total costs of the visit.