On Sunday August 11, our workshop will be held from 2pm to 4pm in Khandallah Presbyterian Church hall, 33 Ganges Rd, our new venue. It will be lead by Setsuko Kennedy.
Setsuko has provided the following notes:
”I want to lead the 11/August workshop with the 49th principle of the 50 principles of Sogetsu: “the four principles of ikebana are a fresh approach, movement, balance, and harmony; the three elements are line, colour and mass. In Sogetsu Ikebana, the line is particularly important among these three elements. So, after considering the four principles mentioned above of Ikebana, please refer to the lessons of Book3 - lessons 5, 6, and 7, and you can choose one of those three lessons:
Book 3-5: composition of straight lines,
Book 3-6: composition of curved lines,
Or Book 3-7: composition of straight and curved lines.
I look forward to enjoying ikebana with you on Sunday.”
A reminder:
Spring Festival Ikebana Wellington Exhibition
Wellington Botanic Gardens, Begonia House
Saturday 31st August - Sunday 1st September
10am to 4pm
Free admission