Visiting teacher Takako Martin will give 2 afternoon workshops in the Khandallah Presbyterian Church Hall, Ganges Road, Khandallah at 12.30pm and 3pm on Sunday 28th February. We have permission to park in the Church carpark, but please carpool if convenient. Please come early; the hall will be open from 12 midday. There will be a break from 2.30 to 3pm for afternoon tea, but please have lunch before you come, or bring some food for your lunch.
The first workshop (12.30 to 2.30pm) will be a nageire arrangement from Book 2. (Book 2, Lesson 6,8 or 9), Variation number 4, upright, slanting or hanging.
The second workshop (3 to 5pm) will be “Practicing for a Future Ikebana Exhibition” (Book 5, lesson 25) and Takako will help us prepare for next months exhibition at the Wellington Japan Festival.
Please see Helen’s latest email to register for these workshops before 21 February.